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RISE Coin New Consensus – Consecutive Missed Blocks

29 Dic 18

Hi everyone!

Probably not everyone know what RISE is.
Long story short: RISE is a powerful Delegated Proof of Stake blockchain.

The latest core version (1.3.x) introduced very interesting news to the ecosystem:

  • Productivity as ranking factor: missing blocks now changes your delegate vote weight!
  • Delegate banning: if you miss to forge 85 blocks in row, your delegate will be prevented to forge. (banned forever)
  • Active delegates pool modification: forging delegates pool increased from 101 to 199!
  • Fair vote weight (not currently used by RISE, but an improvement for future developments)

What – in my opinion – is very cool about this new consensus, it’s the Delegate banning!
That’s why I wanted to create a very simple webservice in order to highlight even better which are the delegates that are risking to get banned from the blockchain, causing their votes weight to be set “free”, and finally increasing the forging probability of the other active delegates!

Here’s you can find the website:

Hope you’ll like it!

ETIMEDOUT nodejs mysql

28 Feb 16

Hi man,
If you came here searching for an error like this: “Error: connect ETIMEDOUT at Connection._handleConnectTimeout” when querying a MySQL server using node, maybe you’re in the right place šŸ™‚

Are you using node-mysql?Ā Drop it away and switch to node-mysql2.

Why? Well, maybe there’s an explicable reason, but in my case I couldn’t find any reasonable reason šŸ™‚

This is what I tried before switching to node-mysql2:

  • increased connection timeout on node-mysql
  • increased connection timeout on mysql server
  • several code modification without any luck

If you have other guesses, please be my guest and leave a comment!


Telecom Italia ADSL Fibra Scraper

06 Mag 15

Come per So You Start, anche Telecom e le varieĀ TELCO non forniscono nessun servizio di avviso di nuovi servizi disponibili per la propria utenza/zona di residenza.
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SoYouStart availability checker – Dedicated Servers

18 Apr 15

Tired of checking every day the dedicated server availability of So You Start? Yeah, I got tired too so I decided to create a custom script to help me onĀ this.

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